Delegates’ Assembly 2022
Hello dear delegates, dear members of our association - now "BSG ABB & Hitachi Energy eV",
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the sixth delegate meeting took place on January 29, 2022 again in digital form via MS Teams.
In total, 86% of the company sports members were represented by the delegates of the locations, which fulfilled and formally confirmed the quorum for the association.
At this point, a big thank you to all participants for their active participation!
At the beginning of the meeting, we looked back on 2021. Due to the pandemic-related situation, it was a somewhat sad but nevertheless proud review. On the one hand, the opportunities for company sports activities, especially indoors, have been severely restricted, as have the freedom due to municipal or national regulations on outdoor sports activities - and yet we have been able to maintain most of our sports groups. There are declines at various locations and we will pay particular attention to this when the pandemic is over.
Despite all this, the number of members remained consistently high and at the end of last year still amounted to around 1,300, including employees of ABB, Hitachi Energy Germany and external members.
From 2022, the extended board will grow by one more person. At the delegate meeting, Iris Over from the Hitachi site in Bad Honnef was confirmed as a member of the extended board. Once again, a warm welcome!
A key point of the meeting was the final confirmation and formal implementation of the name change. This will allow us to act as ABB or Hitachi Energy at the sporting level at the locations and as a joint BSG in the Rhine-Neckar region. We think this is a very good solution and ensures the continued existence of established sports groups.
Here is a brief outlook for 2022:
The sports offerings will be increased again from the second quarter and then in the summer. We will support all activities and will gradually support the locations where it may be necessary to rebuild or restart. We are aware of this.
The association will develop the new website in 2022 and shut down the old site at an appropriate time.
We cannot yet plan major sporting events or joint cross-country sporting activities. We hope to be able to discuss this point at the Delegates' Assembly in 2023.
Even though the pandemic is limiting club work, our club is developing. We are learning to play sports even in these times with minimal opportunities. Let us continue to make such intensive progress and get through this time well.
Best regards
Your board and extended board
Iris, Frank, Hans-Georg, Jürgen, Ralf and York
Mr Jürgen Anselmann, Kallstadter Str. 1, 68309 Mannheim, Germany
Mr. York Werschke, Havellandstr. 10-14. 68309 Mannheim, Germany
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