Partnership NRW

Our insurance and association partner:

West German Company Sports Association (WBSV)

First of all, we wish everyone an injury- and pain-free sporting experience!

If something should happen, the NRW State Sports Association is responsible for the insurance of our members in NRW.

The insurance in case of damage is provided by ARAG, under this link to find.

The insurance and the process in case of an accident at a glance: (Link to

Since January 1, 2020, the State Sports Association of North Rhine-Westphalia (LSB NRW) has been ARAG's insurance partner and provider of insurance for sports clubs in North Rhine-Westphalia.

What's new?

  • The annual contribution invoice for sports insurance, the VBG and GEMA flat rate, and the Sporthilfe membership fee will now be issued by the LSB NRW and the invoiced funds will be forwarded directly to ARAG, VBG, GEMA and Sporthilfe. And it will remain the same: the sports clubs in North Rhine-Westphalia will continue to pay no contributions to the LSB NRW, as they are not members of the LSB NRW.
  • The ARAG insurance office is no longer located in Lüdenscheid, but in the immediate vicinity of the LSB NRW in Duisburg.

Four components, one bill

The NRW State Sports Association collects the VBG (each for the previous year) and the GEMA contribution together with the sports insurance contribution. In 2020, this is a flat rate of 24 cents for the VBG and a flat rate of 7.4 cents for the GEMA per member.

ARAG (sports insurance contract):

As a sports club in the LSB NRW, you are comprehensively covered by ARAG sports insurance. This insurance, specially developed for sports operations, covers the following areas:

  • Liability insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Environmental liability insurance
  • Environmental damage insurance
  • Financial loss liability insurance
  • D&O insurance
  • Fidelity insurance
  • Legal protection insurance
  • Health insurance
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